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Application Access

Application Access

EHRez Patient API allows third party applications to connect to the EHRez data and allows authorized users to access their health information from disparate applications. Third party vendors can allow authorized users to access (Read-Only) their common clinical information, through their native applications. The API sets forth a pathway for patients and third party applications to utilize data captured by the clinicians, using intuitive applications.

Developer Policy for API

The documentation for EHRez PatientAPI has been made available to engineers for development and testing. The materials made available to them are as-is, with no other warranties expressed or implied. They may use the materials adhering to the below mentioned terms and conditions:

1. EHRez PatientAPI documentation is detailed, comprehensive and up to date. Developers may keep duplicates of the documentation Materials; however, not distribute them. Developers wishing to share the Materials may do so via directing other developers to the Materials hosted on this page.

2. E-Health Partners owns the documentation Materials and any improvements to or derivatives of the Materials, such as enhancements. Any suggestion to the existing Material may become a part of the official documentation Materials without any obligation or notice to the submitter. Developers can proceed with developments using the Materials, and a dynamic developer environment is encouraged.

3. Responsibility for products developed by developers lies with them alone, along with how the products connect to the community members’ software. Complying with all applicable laws, including not infringing on E-Health Partner’s or others’ intellectual property rights is the sole responsibility of the developer.

4. EHRez PatientAPI permits other health IT applications to request read-only data demands for patient health information that is part of the Common Clinical Data Set.

5. API interface will utilize the Requirements in accordance with §170.315(d)(1) Access Control and Authorization and §170.315(d)(9) Trusted Connection to securitize external connections are employed by the API interface to verify authenticity of the originating requests. It checks for trusted and authorized sources, and provides privatized responses.

6. EHRez PatientAPI audits events associated with external API access in accordance with §170.315(d) (10) Auditing Actions on Health Information.

7. The API interface restricts accessible data defined by the Common Clinical Data Set, allows for “all” patient data, or “by specific data category” in agreement with §170.315(g)(7) and §170.315(g)(9).

8. This technical documentation of API comprises at a minimum, API syntax, function names, required/optional parameters and their data types, return variables and types/structures, exceptions and exception handling methods and their return types.

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